REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST for the development of the new SANKOFA SQUARE strategic plan

Deadline for expressions of interest is 4pm EST on Friday, November 29, 2024.

Sankofa Square (formerly Yonge-Dundas Square) is inviting experienced and passionate strategic planning firms and consultants to submit their interest and proposal for developing our new 5-year (2025 to 2030) strategic plan.

Name change and a new era

In December 2023, City Council directed the Board to change the name of the square to Sankofa Square—which was enacted by changes to the relevant City Bylaws in June 2024. The new name reflects a new community ambition and commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging across the city. This signifies a new era for the Square, with opportunities for:

  • Fresh, bold strategic planning

  • Major sponsorship partnerships

  • Successful adaptation to construction projects (Ontario Line, YongeTO Plan)

Vision and opportunities for the future

Sankofa Square aspires to be a beacon of inclusion and cultural vibrancy. The new strategic plan will guide us in achieving this vision by:

  1. Enhancing accessibility and representation

  2. Promoting community engagement

  3. Developing a sustainable financial model

Are you our partner?

We’re asking strategic planning firms and consultants to consider the following five questions before submitting a proposal:

  1. Do you have experience working with municipal sectors and are able to engage with a wide range of interested parties?

  2. Have you developed strategic plans for public spaces?

  3. Do you recognize the value of community collaboration in creating a vibrant public space where community, local businesses and partners work together to enhance the quality of life in a demanding and dynamic location?

  4. Can you demonstrate successful solutions for complex social and economic challenges in urban neighborhoods?

  5. Do you have a proven track record of completing projects on time and within budget?

If your answer is “yes” to these five questions, download the full proposal brief for additional details.

Proposal Timeline

Deadline for questions via email: 12pm/noon EST on Thursday, October 31, 2024

Responses to questions sent to all applicants (if applicable): No later than Friday, November 8, 2024

Proposal submission deadline: 4pm EST on Friday, November 29, 2024

Review and Final Decision Reached: by Friday, December 13 2024

Obligation by either party

Sankofa Square is seeking proposals for information purposes only. There is no obligation on either Sankofa Square’s part or on the part of an interested party to enter into an agreement at a later date.

Sankofa Square