Sankofa Square (Formerly Yonge-Dundas) understands that in any given year locking down funds to host and produce events can be challenging. Over the past months, and due to the unprecedented events of the COVID-19 pandemic, securing capital has become even more of a challenge for the industry. To this effect, we have compiled a list of programs that could be of help to you in re-entering the event space. See the list below for a snapshot of some of the current opportunities that are available for events and festivals.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions or for any of the supplementary documentation needed from Sankofa Square.
Toronto Arts Council’s Community Arts Project Grant
Provides funding to pursue one-time or time-limited community arts projects.
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage: Local Festivals
Provides funding to local groups for recurring festivals. These festivals must present local artists, artisans, or heritage performers. Successful projects may be granted up to 100% of eligible expenses with a maximum of $200,000. Deadlines: January 31st for festivals between September 1st and December 31st of the same calendar year, April 30th for festivals starting between January 1st and June 30th of the next calendar year, and October 15th for festivals between July 1st and August 31st of the next calendar year.
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage: Local Festivals
Provides funding to local groups for recurring festivals. These festivals must present local artists, artisans, or heritage performers. Successful projects may be granted up to 100% of eligible expenses with a maximum of $200,000. Deadlines: January 31st for festivals between September 1st and December 31st of the same calendar year, April 30th for festivals starting between January 1st and June 30th of the next calendar year, and October 31st for festivals between July 1st and August 31st of the next calendar year.
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage: Legacy Funding
Provides funding for community projects. Successful projects may be granted up to 50% of eligible project expenses up to a maximum of $500,000.
Provides funding for events hosted on National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21st), Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day (June 24th), Canadian Multiculturalism Day (June 27th), and Canada Day (July 1st).
Provides funding for Canadian non-profit organizations, Canadian business corporations (non-commercial), Canadian educational institutions, Canadian provincial, territorial, municipal, and Indigenous governments. Program favours commemorations and celebrations marking 25th, 50th, 75th, and 100th anniversaries (and increments of 25 years after 100 years). The program provides funding to initiatives that commemorate and celebrate historical figures, places, events, and accomplishments of national significance. Applications can be submitted anytime, although recommended to be submitted at least six months prior to the event.
Canadian Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF)
Delivers funding through a programming component and development component. Eligible organizations include not-for-profit organizations (incorporated), provincial/territorial/municipal institutions, and Indigenous institutions or organizations. For professional art festivals, this fund can support up to 25% of eligible expenses, or a maximum of $100,000 in the case of grants and $500,000 in the case of contributions. For Performing Arts Series Presenters, this fund can support up to 25% of eligible expenses, or a maximum of $100,000 in the case of grants, and $200,000 in the case of contributions. To submit an application, you must contact a regional office of the Department of Canadian Heritage to verify whether the event and its activities are eligible.
Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund (OCAF)
This fund aims to help increase and promote cultural tourism by assisting arts, cultural, and heritage organizations to capitalize on events and activities in Ontario. Organizations can apply if they meet the following: must be a one-time project, represent a new programming initiative from the applicants business plan for that year, run for a fixed period of time, the organization must be an incorporated Ontario-based not-for-profit/heritage/cultural organization that has existed for 1+ years, and the primary purpose of the organization must be the presentation or preservation of arts/heritage/cultural programming.
Canada Summer Job Wage Subsidy
Aims to provide flexible and holistic services to support all young Canadians to develop the skills and gain paid work experience to successfully transition into the labour market.
This fund supports the production of learning material, the organization of learning activities, and the creation or maintenance of networks. Those who can apply include organizations with a focus on Canadian history, civics, or public policy that also have a successful track record of delivering programming nationally, and post-secondary institutions. Please note: activities must have a national, not regional, reach to be eligible.
Canada Cultural Investment Fund: Endowment Incentives
This fund encourages private donors to contribute to endowment funds for not-for-profit arts organizations. This program will match funds raised through private donors to create/increase existing endowment funds.
Canada Music Fund: Individual Initiative
This program supports activities that assist Canadian artists with the promotion of their music and the development of their audience. Contact FACTOR for application forms and deadlines.
Canada Music Fund: Collective Initiative
This program helps Canadian artists and industry professionals gain exposure at home and abroad. The following individuals can apply for this fund: Canadian not-for-profit organizations, and associations/corporations owned and controlled by Canadians. Contact FACTOR (English) or Foundation Musicaction (French) for the application and deadlines.
Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program: Events
This program works to fund community-based events that prioritize intercultural or interfaith understanding. The following groups can apply: Canadian not-for-profit organizations, Canadian incorporated/unincorporated municipalities and townships, and Indigenous not-for-profit organizations. Applications can be submitted at anytime, but are required to be submitted at least 18 weeks before the proposed event start date. To apply, create a Canadian Heritage Funding Portal account and apply online.
Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit
Provides production corporations with a tax credit. In order to qualify the production company must be: a taxable Canadian corporation, a taxable foreign-owned corporation, primarily engaged in the activities of a film/video production business, and the production company must be the owner of the production’s copyright. Applications can be submitted anytime. To apply, create a CAVCO account and complete the Official Designee form. It takes roughly 120 business days for applications to gain approval.
Commemorating the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Provides organizations with up to $10,000. This funding works to support initiatives that increase awareness and commemorate National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The following can apply: Indigenous government/tribal council/band council, Indigenous not-for-profit organizations, for-profit Indigenous organizations, Indigenous ad hoc committees, Indigenous-led institutions, and in exceptional circumstances, a non-Indigenous organization. To apply, complete an online form and submit to
This program supports events that have an economic impact and increase tourism spending. Organizations may receive funding for 50% of eligible costs, up to $125,000.
Reconnect Ontario Marquee Event Fund
This program supports organizations that have been in existence for one+ years, can prove they have the ability to produce a successful marquee event, and have cash operating expenses of $1 million+. This fund will support one-time events in Ontario, events that do not occur annually/biannually, and national/international events in Ontario.
Building Audiences and Markets: Market Development Travel Fund
This grant supports the travel-related costs required for Ontario artists to promote their work within Ontario/Canada/internationally, at a single arts event. This grant can cover transportation, accommodation, meals, registration, booth fees, and promotional materials. This grant ranges from $1,000 to $2,000.
Building Audiences and Markets: Ontario Arts Presenters Projects
This grant supports projects that present Ontario artists and their work. The following can apply: Ontario municipalities/colleges/universities located outside of Toronto, Ontario-based ad hoc/collectives/not-for-profit organizations that are volunteer-led (with no paid management or staff), must be comprised of 2+ community members who live in Ontario, and must have a head office located outside of Toronto. Please note, applicants must contact the program officer at least two weeks before the application deadline to confirm their eligibility. This grant can provide $5,000-$7,500 of funding based on the organization.
Building Audiences and Markets: Tour and Circulation Projects
This grant helps to support and circulate the works of Ontario-based artists, domestically and internationally. This grant ranges from $30k to $60k. To apply, please do so online through Nova.
This program provides funding to not-for-profit organizations/collectives for one-time/limited-time arts projects that create public participation and engagement. This program supports art community development and engagement. Applicants can receive a maximum of $15,000 from this grant.
Corporate Donations, Sponsorships, Dinners, and Events
This program funds community-based projects and events.
Community Service Partnership Funding
This funding provides support to not-for-profit organizations to offer services that respond to the changing needs of the community. This program funds a variety of different things, including day-to-day operations, increasing access to programs/services, and supporting organizational capacity building. For any questions or comments, please email
Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Grow Grants
OTF funds local community projects that are driven by achieving greater impact in their community. Grow Investment Stream focuses on three types of projects, which enable us to see positive change in our communities.
Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Seed Grant
Seed grants are all about trying something new or untested, where the outcomes are unknown. All projects need to be focused on seeding new ideas or approaches that will achieve greater impact in their community.
Music Production & Presentation Projects
This funding supports the development and presentation of all genres of live and virtual music by Ontario-based professional musicians, ad hoc groups/collectives and organizations.
This funding supports the creation, production and presentation of multi- and inter-arts activities by professional Ontario artists, ad hoc groups/collectives and organizations working in all art forms and initiatives that benefit the professional and inter-arts community.
Professional Arts Festivals & Performing Arts Series Presenters - Canada Arts Presentation Fund
Supports existing professional arts festivals and performing arts series presenters to offer activities that connect artists with Canadians in their communities.